Heathrow Scientific

Heathrow Scientific
Heathrow Scientific
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120460 Digital Orbital Shaker

120460 Digital Orbital ShakerSpeed range: 20 - 300 rpm 1 rpm incrementsOrbit diameter: 19.0 mm (0.8"..


120506 Lab Mat, Silicone Bench Protector, Yellow-Grey/Blue

120506 Lab Mat, Silicone Bench Protector, Yellow-Grey/BlueBrand : Heathrow Scientific..


120599 Lab Mat, Silicone Bench Protector, Blue/White

120599 Lab Mat, Silicone Bench Protector, Blue/WhiteBrand : Heathrow Scientific..


120626 SMARTBOATS™ Paper Weigh Boat, Brown

120626 SMARTBOATS™ Paper Weigh Boat, Brown250's/packBrand : Heathrow Scientific..


120661 Mini-Light Box

120661 Mini-Light BoxBrand : Heathrow Scientific..


HS1002B Autoclave disposal bags

HS1002B Autoclave disposal bagsW × L × thickness 415 mm × 600 mm × 2.0 mm, transparent polypropylene..


HS1002C Autoclave disposal bags

HS1002C Autoclave disposal bagsW × L × thickness 610 mm × 810 mm × 2.0 mm, transparent polypropylene..


HS10050 Gusto™ Centrifuge 100-240VAC, 50/60Hz Universal Plug Type

HS10050 Gusto™ Centrifuge 100-240VAC, 50/60Hz Universal Plug TypeBrand : Heathrow Scientific..


HS10060 Screw-Top Tubes with O-Ring Cap

HS10060 Screw-Top Tubes with O-Ring Capcapacity 2 mL, natural polypropylene self-standing, pk of 500..


HS10322 Biohazard disposal bags

HS10322 Biohazard disposal bagsW × L × thickness 483 mm × 584 mm × 0.04 mm, red polypropylene (with ..


HS1041 Clearly Safe® Acrylic Eyeglass Holder Desktop, Blue

HS1041 Clearly Safe® Acrylic Eyeglass Holder Desktop, BlueBrand : Heathrow Scientific..


HS120003 smartSpatula® 210mm Blue Standard, pk300

HS120003 smartSpatula® 210mm Blue Standard, pk300Brand : Heathrow Scientific..


HS120004 smartSpatula® 210mm Opaque Standard, pk300

HS120004 smartSpatula® 210mm Opaque Standard, pk300Brand : Heathrow Scientific..


HS120005 smartSpatula® 140mm Opaque Antistatic, pk300

HS120005 smartSpatula® 140mm Opaque Antistatic, pk300Brand : Heathrow Scientific..


HS120006 smartSpatula® 310mm Green Standard, pk150

HS120006 smartSpatula® 310mm Green Standard, pk150Brand : Heathrow Scientific..


HS120007 smartSpatula® 210mm Opaque Sterile, pk100

HS120007 smartSpatula® 210mm Opaque Sterile, pk100Brand : Heathrow Scientific..


HS120008 smartSpatula® 140mm EcoSpatula™ , pk300

HS120008 smartSpatula® 140mm EcoSpatula™ , pk300Brand : Heathrow Scientific..


HS120018 Work2Store™ Rack

HS120018 Work2Store™ RackBrand : Heathrow Scientific..


HS120026 Flip & Grip® Pipette Holder, Blue

HS120026 Flip & Grip® Pipette Holder, BlueBrand : Heathrow Scientific..


HS120032 HS 50-Well Hinged Storage Box, Natural ,pk5

HS120032 HS 50-Well Hinged Storage Box, Natural ,pk5Brand : Heathrow Scientific..


HS120033 HS 50-Well Hinged Storage Box, assorted colours ,pk5

HS120033 HS 50-Well Hinged Storage Box, assorted colours ,pk5Brand : Heathrow Scientific..


HS120034 HS 81-Well Storage Rack, Natural, pk5

HS120034 HS 81-Well Storage Rack, Natural, pk5Brand : Heathrow Scientific..


HS120040 HS 81-Well Storage Rack, Assorted ,pk5

HS120040 HS 81-Well Storage Rack, Assorted ,pk5Brand : Heathrow Scientific..


HS120041 HS 81-Well Storage Rack, Black ,pk5

HS120041 HS 81-Well Storage Rack, Black ,pk5Brand : Heathrow Scientific..


HS120042 HS 100-Well Hinged Storage Box, Natural ,pk5

HS120042 HS 100-Well Hinged Storage Box, Natural ,pk5Brand : Heathrow Scientific..
